Stonewall Valley Ranch
Raising Longhorn Cattle In the Texas Hill Country

2. Quality breeding stock (for straight herds or cross breeding)
3. Low maintenance (minimum annual carry costs)
4. Low birth rate bulls for first calf heifers
5. Highly energized roping stock
6. Impressive trophy steers
7. Low cholesterol (see chart), sweet healthy meat (bull meat is best)
8. Landscaping of pastures - high browse line
9. Easily trainable for riding or pulling
10. Run 2-3 times as many animals in pastures
11. High salvage value at death (mounts, hides, hooves)
12. No calving problems
13. Long living and long breeding animals (birth period and breed like rabbits)
14. Good guard dogs for sheep, goats and exotics
15. Will forage on most vegetation, including cactus and re-growth cedar
16. Healthy, trouble-free animals for absentee and weekend ranchers
17. Bulls can breed up to 50-60 cows (high libido)

19. Will feed out for slaughter 90-100 days of feeding
20. Can fatten on marginal low cost feed
21. Great for aeration and fertilization to bring back pasture
22. Conserve water as they drink less than commercial stock
23. Requiring less costly medicine, shots and working
24. Most cows have an extra calf every 5 years
25. Easy to corral, light weighing for hauling, less cost
26. Make beautiful show animals at fairs, stock shows, etc
27. Difficult to steal or lose if branded, numbered and registered
28. Always know the way back home, like cats
29. Are very people oriented, can talk or whisper to and they respond
30. They come in all colors, like Easter eggs, your choice