Stonewall Valley Ranch
Raising Longhorn Cattle In the Texas Hill Country
Annual Hunting and Recreational Leases

Currently, Don and Velna Jackson lease, on an annual basis, hunting leases of 30 acres to
500 acres, located in several counties in the Texas Hill Country. Most of the leases are
year-round, recreational leases. The Jacksons prefer to have families on the yearly leases,
not just to hunt, but to enjoy all that goes along with being out in the country together,
walking, camping, hiking, fishing, cycling, rock hunting, bird watching, appreciating the
wildlife and wildflowers or to just having a place in the beautiful Texas Hill Country to
relax and enjoy the peace, quiet, and seclusion, getting away from the city lights, and to
be able to see the moon and those bright Texas stars.
Many of these hunting leases are MLDP (Managed Land Deer Permit) for extra harvest
without using the tags on the hunting license. Besides plenty of deer to hunt,
there are other animals on some of the leases for hunting including wild turkey, hogs,
antelope, Corsican sheep, red deer and other exotics.
Don and Velna Jackson are active in several wildlife management associations that work
together with other landowners and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the Texas
Wildlife Association to control and manage deer numbers and improve the quality of
animals harvested.
Throughout the year there are special hunts sponsored by the Jacksons in association
with Simms Creeks Wildlife Management Area, Cave Creek Wildlife Association, Austin
Woods and Waters Club, and Simms Creek Wildlife Management Association.